Sunday, November 9, 2014

Here we go

Yesterday I signed up again for Weight watchers online.  I know.  It sounds cheesy but in truth, it has been the online weight program that has worked for me.  I am a lifetime member from 16 years ago when I lost 30 lbs.  I have tried many other diets hoping for a quick fix but it never works.  I find weight watchers is more helpful with portion control and accountability than teaching me to eat right.  That part I must do on my own.  I tend to think counting points rather than calories is easier.  Who knows.  

But anyway, I am on day 2.  So far so good.  But I am at that weight where I always get stuck.  It pisses me off so bad.  I want to dip in the 150s.  We will see what the scale says next Saturday.

I am also performing an experiment of sorts.  I have read several places on the webs that if everything other factors is the same, each pound lost equates to 2 sec/mile faster.  I need/want to lose 25-30 lbs...a minute fast per mile on my marathon pace would possible give me a PR this fall.  I want that.  So bad.  

On a good running note, I got in 10 miles yesterday.  I felt like I lost all endurance from the marathon 3 weeks ago.  So, yesterdays run felt good.  I want to keep 10 as my long run through the winter and hit some spring half marathons to test the weight loss (if there is in fact wieght loss). 

ok,time to fix supper.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

Goals Goals Goals

With this post, I feel like I am basically starting over with this blog. Maybe I should just delete all my old posts because I never consistently posted.  I think this is what I will do.  

I am starting back over because I have goals.  Big ones.  Big ones for me anyway.  And it all starts tomorrow.

Background.  I have run 16 marathons.  Nothing fast, nothing slow.  Just mid-packer.  I did run one kinda well about 9-10 years ago.  A 4:27.  Other than that, all have been slow.  

This summer I began training for the Columbus Marathon (which I ran 3 weeks ago).  I used the Hansons Method and trained harder than I ever have.  I felt very confident going into this race.  But it just wasn't my day.  I don't really know what happened.  I ran a 4:51.  I never loosened up.  My legs felt the same at mile 1 as they did at mile 26.  Tight.  The hubs seems to think I worked myself up into the tightness because I was so nervous.  maybe.  

One thing I do know is that I can do better than that.  BUT...I am also sitting 30 lbs heavier than my PR race.  

SO... I am going to pick a fall race in 2015.  Get this freaking weight off and try Hansons again.  

I want to set another PR so bad.  so bad.  

Lots of work.  

I want to document all of it.  for me.  Because I know other people and the FB world are going to get sick of hearing about it.  I will just write about it.  

Day 1 starts tomorrow.